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Our Partners

Partnership opportunities at Eden Park continue to evolve as we partner with new brands, consumer patterns change, and our economy adjusts to ever-changing commercial pressures. Our team is committed to delivering value to ensure the relationship is more than just a sign on the grandstand. Between balancing traditional benefits and innovative opportunities, our partnership with STIHL is a fantastic example of leveraging expertise and reputation from two globally-recognised brands – including our Head Groundsman Blair Christiansen who has almost two decades of experience at the Park! Special thanks to FUSE and STIHL for their creativity and vision to look beyond the usual goalposts.

Partner with Eden Park

Tradition and innovation collide as New Zealand’s national stadium leverages the facility 365 days a year to ensure benefits for partners extends beyond event day. Through tailored partnerships the Eden Park team can create audience, brand and business alignment resulting in the ever important ROI. Partnership benefits can include:

  • Category Exclusivity – “Official Status”
  • Sales & Supply Ownership
  • Corporate Suites & Memberships
  • Branding & Advertising
  • Commercial Venue Use
  • Activations
  • Commercial Filming
  • Content Creation
  • Eden Park Experience Integration
  • Community Integration

Partner Case Studies

If you’re interested in discussing Partnership Opportunities with Eden Park, please contact our Commercial Manager Duncan Blomfield on +64 27 456 1250.

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